Fountain Pumps
$ 124.00 In stock
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Fountain Pumps
Product ID# CO620

Teton Fountain Pumps

- Made in America

Size Price
Teton XS250 - 250 GHP $124.00
Teton XR350 - 350 GHP $148.00
Teton XR500 - 530 GHP $148.00
Teton XR750 - 800 GHP $189.00
Teton XR1200 - 1320 GHP $311.00
Shipping charges are determined by the weight of the order and the ship-to address.
Call 800-420-1808 for a shipping quote.

Concrete fountains are very durable but still need some specific care during Winter months.
Moisture can get trapped in the water fountains and will expand when frozen.  This process of freezing can lead to deterioration and possible cracks.
Small outdoor concrete fountains can be moved indoors or drained, residue cleaned and covered during freezing temperatures.
Larger outdoor concrete fountains should be drained, dried and all residue cleaned and covered with a waterproof cover.
All pumps and floats should be removed.
Regular maintenance and care will expand the life of your concrete outdoor fountains and keep your landscape decorative pieces in good operating conditions.

Everyone wants a cast stone outdoor fountain on their patio or in their garden for many reasons.  The ambient sounds of water rippling is not only soothing and comforting but enjoyable for birds to enjoy.  Our beautifully crafted architectural quality precast concrete fountains some in a number of different styles, from traditional, simple, contemporary & Tuscany styles so it's easy to match your pre-existing outdoor decor.  Not only do our Arizona Pottery outdoor concrete fountains provide a pleasant sound, and elegant look but they are durable and long lasting.  Bring the sight and sounds of serenity to your outdoor space with our quality outdoor concrete fountains.