The Pottery Post Blog

Home Entrance Containers


Entrance & Step Garden Planter Ideas!

The entrance to your home tells the world a lot more about you than you think.

Virtually all entrances will benefit from potted garden planters.  It’s a decorating delight and an easy way to soften harsh lines.  You can add color, fragrance, and beauty to your front entrance by placing colorful planters around overflowing with grasses, succulents, flowers, shrubs, or palms.  So many choices.

The choice of a container will depend on the size of the area around the entrance and the design you are looking for.  Do you want the pottery to be brightly colored and filled with small flowers so the attention is on the planters? How about a large terracotta pot overflowing with green ivy and a palm shooting out the top opening of the pottery.  You will notice the plants and not the container on that type of style & design.

Are you going for a contemporary look with planters that have smooth lines, mono colors, and clean lines, or a more formal entrance design with a garden urn or towering vase?

Maybe you don’t have a lot of space but you do have steps leading up to your front porch.  You can place two larger garden containers framing each side of the front door.  If you have only the steps to work with, try placing smaller pots on the different levels of steps, up next to the railing so that they won’t be obstructive and cause issues.

When it comes to the planting materials for any of the entrance pots suggested above, just look at how much sun or shade they will get.  Are they under a porch awning or exposed to direct sunlight all day.  Once you select the perfect planters, filling them will not be an issue but a super fun adventure.

Lastly, whatever style, size, or planting materials you choose, please, please, please keep them cleaned up, watered, fertilized, and well maintained.  It won’t matter how much you spend on a garden planter if they are ignored and not taken care of.

Read More: The best climbing potted plants
Read More: Easy Potted Garlic
pottery, planters, flowerpots, arizona pottery, home and garden, pots, garden containers, terracotta

Post Last Updated: 8/22/2023 9:42:13 AM 
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