The Pottery Post Blog

Create Classic Potted Topiary


How to create classic potted topiary


4 large terracotta pots
Bark Chips
Pottery Mix
Slow-Release Plant Food Fertilizer

4 – box trees in different topiary shapes, real or faux

Most topiary from a garden center or nursery will come in a plastic container.  We think that isn’t very decorative or nice looking so we recommend our Italian Terracotta Standard or European Style Pottery.  If you look on our website you will see both styles, come in many sizes and are shipped directly to us from the Italian factory.  This is not a cheap, easily damaged terracotta clay.  Each of these pots is fired in a gas kiln making the color even, sun-backed, and stunning.

The clean lines of the topiary are matched by the simplicity of the terracotta pots.  Since the eye is drawn to the outlines of the box plants, decorated or colorful pots would be a distraction.

Fill the bottom of the planter with bark chips.  This keeps the potting mix from coming out and the water able to run off.  You want to keep the drain hole free and clear for good drainage but not totally open so the soil runs out.

Remove the tree from the nursery pot and place it in the terracotta container surrounding it with potting mix.  Push down the side so there are no large air pockets.  Scatter the fertilizer over the top and then finish off with more bark chips.  Water well and position in sun or partial shade.

***Plant anytime of year!

Read More:  Winter Potted Herbs
Read More - Evaporate Stress with Tropical Plants
potted planters, terracotta pots, terracotta, potted topiary, home and garden, pottery, pots, arizonapottery

Post Last Updated: 8/22/2023 9:45:30 AM 
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