We have all heard how healthy it is to have indoor potted houseplants because of their ability to purify the indoor air. The color and beauty of a living plant brought indoors can’t be stressed enough. It brings life, smell, and color to your surrounds in a healthy, natural way.
Today we are talking about that potted fern you have that is looking a bit worn and weathered. You have always loved the look of a fern and the feeling of being in the tropics when you look at it. Well, maybe you don’t live in the tropics but want to grow a potted fern indoors. Here are a few tips to help with new growth.
All indoor potted ferns need light. They don’t like direct sunlight but a north facing window is good. Don’t place the planter in a dark corner or you will have issues but make sure in the winter months that they get as much sunlight as possible.
Water the pot once the top inch of soil is dry. If you have them placed in a humid environment like a bathroom window they will do much better but a light misting will really help a lot if necessary. The best fertilizer to use is a liquid formula. Apply at the base only so you don’t harm the fronds.
When it comes to re-potting your indoor fern you will only have to do it if you want it to grow bigger. Otherwise, keep it in the same container and trim off the old, large and spent frons. You can always divide it into 2 garden containers and keep it growing.
Worth mentioning are other things to keep your eyes on. Pest & Disease can sometimes happen. If you experience either of these just google how to handle it and move it. It’s not the end of the fern by any means but it must be attended to. |