The Pottery Post Blog

Healing Houseplants


Did you know that a potted houseplant can do much more than just add beauty and color to your home?  In this blog post we want to talk about healing houseplants or potted indoor plants that can add happiness, ease of worries and an end to headaches.  Yep you heard us right.  Potted houseplants!

Remember after reading the wonderful way houseplants can help your life that you also get to pick out beautiful colorful plants and the garden containers to pot them in.  That is really where the fun begins but for now lets start at the beginning.  Selecting the plants themselves. We hope these tips get you motivated.

Heal Dry Skin with ferns:  Potted ferns are natural humidifiers.  They constantly suck water up thru their roots and stems, then let that moisture evaporate into the air through millions of tiny pores in their leaves.  Isn't that amazing!!!  By decorating with lush green ferns you will boost your homes humidity level into the physiologically ideal range of 40 to 60 percent.  This increases the skins content by 25% moisture.  Yep you read that right.  Back off of the body lotion and place a potted fern in your bathroom, bedroom or living room and keep your skin moist.

Ease Nighttime Worries with jasmine:  Inhaling the scent of the jasmine plant at night  calms edginess and anxiety, significantly improving sleep quality and bolstering A.M. energy and mood.  The credit goes to jasmine's sweet floral aroma, which induces the formation of relaxing alpha brain waves.  Place a lovely jasmine in a decorative garden planter on your nightstand so you can enjoy it's scent all night.

Feel Springtime Happy with jade:  Surrounding yourself with any plants can help you feel more upbeat in just 2 days.  But placing a potted jade plant in your bedroom can provide an even bigger boost.  That's because succulents produce a steady stream of brain nourishing oxygen during the night.  So, getting up in the morning after breathing in that extra oxygen can bolster your mood by 20 percent.

End Headaches with English ivy:  Potted English ivy is a powerful natural air purifier.  The plant microbes that grow along it's roots suck p as much as 75 percent of the ammonia, benzene and other nasties that sneak into homes.  This cuts the risk of foggy thinking and painful headache flares by 20 percent.  Just amazing!

Lastly Rev Energy with a potted palm:  Add a few regular or dwarf size palms, spider planter or philodendrons to the rooms you use most and you will be amazed at how quickly you will sail through your daily to do list. That is because lush, leafy plants like these score high on the photo synthesis scale.  They draw in so much carbon dioxide that they can quickly improve indoor air quality by 25%.

So, it's time to get serious.  If you care about your indoor air quality, worries, happiness or dry skin than it's time to pot up some of these houseplants.

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indoor houseplants, healthy plants, healthy potted plants, potted healthy plants, garden planters

Post Last Updated: 8/22/2023 11:30:38 AM 
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