How To Propagate Succulents in Winter |
Have you ever tried to propagate a plant? How about a succulent? Everyone knows that it's easy to propagate a plant during summer. All you have to do is stick a leaf cutting in dirt and walk away. When it comes to succulents in many cases just a dropped leaf will root themselves in dirt without any help from you.
However, to propagate during winter takes a few more steps. It's different not difficult. If you have a window ledge next to a south facing window where succulents leaves can be placed. It's a cold spot that gets sun and moisture from condensation on the window. Just lay them on the sill
After a few weeks they leaves will start to put out new growth and the roots become fuller. These cuttings didn't get any special care. If for some reason you want them to root faster, try dipping the cut end into rooting hormone before putting it by the window.
Finally when it comes to taking cuttings from succulents it's really esy. Carefully break or cut off a piece of the leaf or stem and there you go.
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propagate succulents, arizona pottery, potting, potted, pots, |
By Arizona Pottery Post Last Updated: 8/22/2023 12:11:39 PM |