The Pottery Post Blog

Get Rid Of MealyBugs


No body like bugs on their potted houseplants.  There are different kinds that are attracted to indoor and outdoor potted plants.  In this post we are talking about the little white ones called mealybugs.

Mealybugs are one of the most common pests that can infect your potted plants and flowers.  If you are growing them indoors or out you have probably seen them before.  They look like tiny little sesame seeds and they like to hang out in the cracks of your plants.  A favorite spot is where the leaves met the stem.  You could see a white web looking net that is a trait also.  If not treated right away you will eventually have an issue with all of your planted house plants. These things spread.

While there are many products on the market that will kill them we recommend trying a q-tip soaked in alcohol.  When and if you first see them on your potted succulents or plants, move fast to quarantine the infected plant.  Dab the leaves and bugs with the q-tip and wipe off the webs.  Once treatment should do the job but keep the potted plant in a separate place until you are sure.  It really depends on how bad the infestation really is.

Now you are probably asking if the alcohol hurts the plants and the answer is NO.  It doesn't burn the leaves or damage the plant in any way. Now if you want to error on the side of caution just dab in a small area first to see how it affects the plant. It will not stop the bugs but can still be a good pretest.  We have heard of other ways to remove them but with experience we have found this to be the best.

Good Luck!

[Read More] Organic Gardens and Global Warming.
[Read More] A Few Helpful Tips.
mealybug in plants, potted mealybugs, 

Post Last Updated: 8/24/2023 1:27:03 PM 
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