The Pottery Post Blog

Playful Simple Garden Tips


While searching the web you can find so many great gardening tips. Everything from how to make your own fertilizers, to how to keep animals out of the yard.  We have a few of the better ones that we think every gardening should know about because they are so easy and good. Make gardening fun!

Line the bottom of your garden planters with a disposable clean diaper to help retain soil moisture.  This way you save lots of time because you don't have to water nearly as often and the plants have a more even supply of water. The diaper also helps to keep the soil inside the pot and blocks it flowing out the drain hole.
These types of diapers container a hydrogel crystal that keeps in moisture.  Just be sure and use the cheapest diapers you can find!

At the begging of the growing season, select your seeds to potting and have them ready to go.  Cut the top off a lemon and carve out the center.  Add new potting soil, seeds, fertilizer.  Once seeds start to grow drop the whole lemon into the potting soil inside the garden planter that you are using.  This not only makes the process simple but the peel with compost into the soil, adding nutrients and the plants grow.

The next time you boil veggies for a meal, don't pour the water down the drain.  Instead of wasting all those precious nutrients and minerals, let the water cool and use it to water your potted plants.  Of course this water is filled with all kinds of healthy nutrients that the boiled out of the veggies.  Your potted plants will love you for it and you can cut down on fertilizer.  A double dose of goodness.

How about using a regular over the door shoe organize and turn it into a vertical herb garden?  This idea is so simple and easy to do.  Fill the pockets with potting mix and add the herbs.  Hang on a balcony wall, a garden fence, an apartment balcony or terrace.  Each pocket can be a different herb or you can have rows of each kind.  We love this placed next to a kitchen door so that you don't need to go far to clip off a few while preparing a meal.

So, if you look there are hundreds of great ideas out there.  If you have any you want to share just let us know.  Good Gardening!
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garden tips, tips for gardening, diaper in pottery, shortcut pottery tips

Post Last Updated: 8/24/2023 1:36:04 PM 
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