The Pottery Post Blog

Organic Gardens & Global Warming


Your backyard organic garden may hold the keys to preventing global warming.  Researchers at the Rodale Institute have learned that organic soils trap atmospheric carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, and convert it to carbon, a key component of healthy soil.

In the longest running study of it's kind, the Rodale Institute's  Farming Systems Trial has compared organic and conventional farming side by side for the past 23 years.  Important findings have included organic, crops ability to withstand drought year stress much better than crops raised on a diet of chemicals.

What this suggests is that synthetic nitrogen fertilizers speed up the decay process of organic matter so that it is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide rather than stored in the soil as carbon. Both plants and organic soil operate as powerful sinks, capturing the greenhouse gas considered by many scientists to be largely responsible for global warming.

An increase in organic matter in the soil also helps preserve bio-diversity.  All organisms depend on biomass - living and dead organic matter.  The higher the biomass content, the more the biodiversity. You can see where organic farming and organic gardening fit in there clearly.

When you reject chemicals and choose instead to garden organically you address other issues of critical concern, by embracing a system that is much less reliant on fossil fuels.  This has implications for  our dependence on imported oil and natural gas as well as the climate change problem.  You are preserving the soil and you are reducing the use of chemicals that are directly dependent on fossil energy use.

So, you may ask why here in the blog are we mentioning these findings.  Because every time you buy potting soil at your local garden center you have a choice on what type to buy. We recommend you choose Organic. You will know that you are planting in the best soil and giving your plants a great start.  Not only will your new plants love you for it but so will the planet.  Choose Wisely!

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organic gardening, organic soil, potting soil, organic potting soil, garden planters, pots, pottery, 

Post Last Updated: 8/24/2023 2:44:29 PM 
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