The Pottery Post Blog

A Ton Of Gardening Secrets


You can never have enough tips to help out with your garden whether it was potted or not.  Hope you can get something from these tips.

Check slugs at night.  Because slugs and snails need constant moisture, they avoid direct sunlight and become more active at night, when they feed on hostas and other garden plants.  So scout in the dark and use a flashlight.  Collect the pests by hand and drop them into a bucket of soapy water.

Shop for bargains on bleeding hearts when they normally go dormant in early summer.  Garden centers may lower the price on a plant that appears to be dying - although it isn't.  If you are bargain hunting for other perennials, slip the root ball out of the nursery pot, healthy roots will be firm and colored white or tan.  If you see dark brown, rotted or withered roots, don't buy them.

Start the entertainment.  Butterflies are fascinating to watch and so easy to lure into the garden.  Simple include plants in your garden planters that attract female butterflies to lay their eggs where the larvae and caterpillars can feed. Black swallowtails prefer dill, parsley and carrots. Monarchs like milkweed and butterfly weed.  Plant some in garden pots, they all work great.

Wipe your hands on it.  To distribute soil over seedbeds gently and evenly, rub your hands together to sift the soil.  Using your hands helps break up large clods of soil and tops the seeds with just enough soil to help them germinate.

Get new shrubs for free.  Take a 6" cutting from an easy to root plant, such as willow, poplar, privet, rose, red twig and dogwood.  Dip the cut end into a rooting hormone and push it into a flower pot of moist potting mix. Cover with a plastic bag punched with holes to allow the plant to breathe.  Place the garden container in an area where it receives light but no direct sun. Plants should root in about 6 weeks.

Help plants cope in heat.  When heat rises for extended periods of time, stop pruning and fertilizing everything but container plants. Plants cope with the heat by going into a virtual state of dormancy. Don't make it harder for them by fertilizing or pruning which encourages growth.

[Read More] Decorate Your Fall Planters With These Items
[Read More] Year Round Container Gardening

Post Last Updated: 8/24/2023 2:46:52 PM 
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