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12 Potted Plants To Help You Sleep


12 Potted Houseplants that will help you sleep!

If you have ever had issues with sleeping at night than this article may help.  After tossing and turning all night you may be wondering what you can do to stop this from happening.  Meditating, dark light, ear plugs!  Who would have thought to try filling your home with potted flowers & plants could help?  Here are a few suggestions that we think you will find helpful.

Try placing some of these plant recommendations is beautiful pottery in the living areas of your home.  Make sure you place at least one in your bedroom.  Why you may ask does this work.  Well, not only do these potted plants add beauty to your living spaces but they can clean the air surrounding them.  Eliminating toxins, odors, molds.  You know how they tell you to get out in nature and try to relax. We recommend that you bring nature indoors by potting up a few of the recommended plants below.

Jasmine - Will reduce anxiety levels, leading to greater quality of sleep
Lavender - Smells like heaven in a flowerpot.  The scent slows down heart rate, lowers blood pressure and levels of stress
Snake Plant - One of the most recommended plants for improving indoor air quality and is hardy and easy to care for.

Aloe Vera - One of NASA's top air improving plants, that emits oxygen at night, making for a more restful sleep.

Gardenia - OMG the fragrance is heavenly.  Great for bedrooms.  Studies show it to as effective as Valium in relieving anxiety & promoting sleep.  Potted it's beautiful.

Spider Plant - Similar to snake plant, it is a champion cleanser of air.

Valerian - Simply smelling it's scent will help you fall asleep faster and ensure you enjoy a better quality of slumber.

English Ivy - Studies have shown that this leaf can improve symptoms of allergies or asthma.  Amazing stuff and really lovely trailing out of a traditional flowerpot.

Peace Lily - A superstar plant that filters out harmful benzene, tricholoethylene, and formaldehyde toxins.  Also boosts a rooms humidity.

Bamboo Palm - Ditch your chemical laden air fresheners in favor of a few of these pretty palms and say goodbye to airborne smells and toxins.

Gerbera Daisies - Bright & cheerful flowers that will put you in a good mood just because they look good.  They release oxygen at night which helps you sleep.

Golden Pothos - Our last plant that is an exceptional air purifier.

We aren't saying you need to fill your house with all of these wonderful & health promoting potted plants.  Just pick the ones that you like the enjoy the smell. Find some wonderful garden planters and put up a few.  Then give it a bit and see if you don't find yourself sleeping better at night!  Good Luck!
Read More.....Bring it indoors!
Read More .....Easy houseplants you can grow now.
potted plants for sleep, plants that help sleep.  potted houseplants, planters, pots

Post Last Updated: 8/28/2023 2:13:09 PM 
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