The Pottery Post Blog

Pottery Location, Location, Location


You may have just moved into a new home or you are considering redoing the outside décor at your current home.  Here are a few tips when choosing a location for your garden planters &

Plants have certain needs that should be considered when deciding where to place your ceramic garden pottery.  Do they need full sun, shade, partial sun etc.  That should take major consideration when deciding where the placement of the containers should go.  However, let’s say you want 2 planters flanking the front entryway and they are in shade.  Then to have success you will need to consider the plant materials you put in them.  Below are some general tips outside of the plant’s needs.

Start by considering the homes exterior color.  Select a garden pot that may have some of the same color tones to create cohesive feel.  Is your home more natural architecture?  Use clay flowerpots for their timeless look and earth tone colors.  Is the home white and you want bursts of color?  Then go with mixed groups of colorful planters.  Mix primary colors like Red, Yellow & Blue and then plant them with a mixture of colorful flowers and plants.


If the home is contemporary, you may be searing for a more stream lined look.  Like concrete cubes or sandstone rectangles.  Available in muted colors these will blend in with the architecture and not draw the eye away from the homes lines.  Stick with one color of flowers, all white, pink, blue.  Create a serene almost Zen quality that will compliment not fill it up.

A window box planter overflowing with trailing ivy is perfect for a more traditional home.  If the home is made of brick, then use colorful flowers to compliment to the mono-toned brick.  Place rectangle planters along the walkway and add evergreens so that they will look perfect thru all seasons.

There are unlimited styles of garden pottery and planters that you can choose for your home.  And, there are unlimited types of plant materials that will work with them.  Just take your time, have fun and finally create the look you have always wanted.

Read More.....Thanksgiving Decorating Ideas
Read More.....Let's Pot a Evergreen Tree!
Location of garden pottery, planters, clay garden pot, clay garden pots, ceramic garden pottery, imported

Post Last Updated: 8/28/2023 2:38:48 PM 
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