The Pottery Post Blog

Succulent Watering Tips!

Have you ever purchased a beautiful potted succulent at the neighborhood garden center then take it home and kill it before you can even get it transplanted?  Well we have.  Watering succulents can be the trickiest part of growing and maintaining them.

Everyone struggles with this issue even the most educated gardener. So, here are a few tips to help you master your own issues.  And, the next time you visit your garden center looking for a new potted succulent you will know that you now have the tips to keep your plants happy.

Let's start with a few obvious issues.  Always use a garden container with drain holes. Succulents don't like sitting in standing water.  Next make sure you have well draining soil.  Succulents don't like to sit in wet soil for very long.  Having well draining soil in your planter with a drain hole is critical.  Don't use a spray bottle when watering. Succulents like to be soaked not sprayed.  Water in between your plants then on top of them.

When you soak the soil only, this tell the succulents to drink up because a drought is coming.  Once you water don't do it again until the soil is completely dry. This takes a few days.  As a general rule if you are using the correct soil mix is to water every 4 days or so.  If you live in a arid climate like Arizona, then you will water more often than a humid climate like Oregon.  Just look at the roots and see if they are too wet they will rot and die. If too dry they will stop growing.

Hopefully you know have some great tips to help when growing and maintaining your  potted succulents.  Just keep your eyes on the way the plants look and try your best to make the right adjustments.  It may not always work but you are on your way to having a better chance of success.

Read more.....15 min DIY project
Read more.....Tips for creating a fairy garden.
succulents potted watering soil tips home and garden planters pots containers flowerpots gardening

Post Last Updated: 8/28/2023 2:42:55 PM 
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