The Pottery Post Blog

Grow Rosemary For Indoor Plants


Wouldn't it be wonderful to not only bring your Rosemary indoors but to pot it up so that it looks decorative, adds life to your indoors & smells wonderful?  Here are a few tips to help.
First select a container you want to plant in.  Do you want a decorative urn or a natural terracotta clay container?  If you are putting this potted rosemary in your kitchen pick up the colors you are already using. Red, Yellow, bright Orange, glossy or matte finishes.

Make sure your
container is large enough to hold a cluster of potted rosemary but no so large that it takes up needed space.  We prefer you use a pot with a drain hole which means you will need a saucer to catch water run-off.  Have fun here and take some time to decide.

First, fill the pots with potting soil.  Then use a starter plant from your local garden center or take a stem off of your existing rosemary plant outside. Remove the bottom leaves, place it in moist soil in a garden pot and in a couple of weeks it should sprout. Now place the pot where you need and want it the most.

On a kitchen island where you can clip off pieces to cook with, how about on a living room mantle where the fragrance will fill the room with heaven.  We even recommend placing one
pot in the bathroom.
Last tip: Don't over water.  People tend to over water indoor potted plants. Keep the soil slightly moist but not damp.  Look at the leaves and make sure they are staying deep green and not yellow.   

Read more.....Moving Houseplants
Read more.....Make this pottery topiary tree
Potted Rosemary indoor containers flowerpots planters herbs pottery pots terracotta glazed 

Post Last Updated: 8/28/2023 3:13:35 PM 
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