The Pottery Post Blog

Thanksgiving Crafts Using Clay Flowerpots From Arizona Pottery


Create lasting memories and good fun by making these Thanksgiving place-cards

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks and share your home with loved ones.  As everyone gathers together for a wonderful day of celebration, we would like to share a few craft ideas that will make the day more fun and decorative.

These personalized place card are made from miniature clay flowerpots and are so easy to do.  We have one for adults that should be made in advance and another for children.  These are as simple as a few glue sticks, feathers, candy, or markers.  Have a place set up in the morning so when the children arrive they have a place to sit and get started.  Make sure that there is always adult supervision.  This will give the children something to do why the adults watch football and cook.

Adult Project:

Gather 3”clay flowerpots. We have them in many sizes including the 3”so click here to shop.
Acrylic paint in black, white, red and blue.
Craft Foam in black, yellow, green & purple.  These come in sheets at the local craft stores.
Thick white crafts glue
Black Fabric paint pen

Decorate the pots by painting each black and allow to dry.  Choose a color to paint the band around the top of each pot. Let dry.  Make white dots on the rest of each by dipping the handle end of the paintbrush in white and dotting the pots surface.
Add brims by tracing a circle from black foam about ˝ inch wider all around then the pot opening using a glass lid. Cut out.

Make the buckles by measuring the width of the band, cut a rectangle from foam that measures about 1/8” deeper than the band.  Cut out a smaller rectangle from the center. Glue the buckle to band and let dry.
Lastly, personalize each pot hat with the paint pen.

 Childs Project:

As you will see from the photos below, all you will need is paint, feathers, glue sticks, paint pens, flowerpots etc.
All the items you can pick up at your local craft store.  If they don’t have the small terracotta pots in stock you can buy them from us by clicking here.

The point is to have fun, be creative and makes this Thanksgiving holiday truly blessed.

Read more.....Let's clean your garden planters.
Read more..... Great Pottery Planting Tips

Post Last Updated: 8/29/2023 2:29:03 PM 
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