The Pottery Post Blog

What Can You Grow In A Flowerpot?

What kind of plants can you grow in our standard 8" flower pot?
When it comes to choosing the size of a planter to use for the items you wish to grow, here are a few tips that may help.  Whether it's one item like a pot full of rosemary or a planter stuffed with a combination of herbs, this is your time to be creative and correct.  Remember this is the time to select a container that will give the plant roots room to grow.

Whatever you choose to grow please be aware of the spacing recommendations on any seed packet or plant label you may choose. Be aware of how large the plant will grow, how much water and space they will require and then choose the size of pot that will work best. So here are a few suggestions for our standard flower pot that measures 8" high.

Bell peppers, cabbage, carrot, chard, cucumber, fennel, kale, leek, tomato & turnip to name a few. When it comes to herbs how about, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme.  All are good choices.  There are so many things that will work beautifully.  We highly recommend when choosing your pot, that you go with terracotta clay.

This type of clay is meant to breathe so it's healthier for the plants root systems. Of course, clay will break down over time because of it's breathable properties so make sure you get a clay that is well made. Mexican clay is very heavy and porous and will break down the fastest, while Italian clay is compact, smooth and light and will hold up the longest.
Planting and growing in any size of planter is fun and functional. But, our standard 8" flower pots are the basic of any garden, or home.  This is a great place to start!

Read more..... In a country garden room.
Read more..... soil for planters.

Post Last Updated: 8/29/2023 2:41:18 PM 
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