The Pottery Post Blog

Container Gardening for Food!

Have you ever thought about growing your own food in garden planters?  Well don't be afraid because it's easy to do and tons of fun.  Here are a few tips to help!


We know, we know, everyone thinks gardening is very difficult to do and takes tons of time, but we are here to tell you that it's simply not true.  Nothing comes without a bit of effort but what you reap from growing your own food in planter pottery will far outweigh the time and effort you have to invest.  Think of it this way.  How much money do you spend at the grocery store?  Do you know where the food is coming from and what maybe in the soil that the food was grown in?  This is a major concern for fruits and vegetables grown in other countries.  Who has handled your food and what kind of pesticides were used!  All good questions!


So, we have you convinced at this point!  Good Deal!!!  Now you are asking yourself, Why, should I plant in pottery?  Good question!   Well, we are here to tell you there are many advantages to using a container to plant into instead of planting directly into the ground.  First and foremost, it's easier.  Isn't that what everyone wants to hear?  Well, in this case it's true.  Everyone young and old, fit or not so fit, handicapped or healthy can plant in containers.  If you live in an apartment or high rise, houseboat or beach house, small house or large home, everyone can plant into a garden container.


Maybe you have a home with tons of shade or a patio that only gets sun certain times of the day.  You can move your garden pottery around easily with a pot lifter or a pot caddy.  You get to pick the potting soil to make sure that what you plant will be success.  If you have a small, space you want to decorate instead of a huge patio than containers are the way to go.  So, here are the basic tips.


1.  Drain holes are best for plants.  Use a saucer if you need too.

2.  Make sure the pot is large enough to handle the plants root system you will be growing.

3.  Do you want terracotta clay because it breathes and is best for plants or concrete planters for durability?

4.  Lastly, have fun and select the look, colors, finishes that best meet your needs.


Container gardening is fun, and with a few small considerations you will have a great time for a little effort and price!

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 12:02:48 PM 
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