The Pottery Post Blog

Cold & Warm Season Veggies to Pot

Planting & potting garden vegetables is fun and easy to do.  There are season that you need to take into consideration because all things do not grow at all times.  Here are a few suggestions to take into consideration so that you have the most success.
Make sure you start with large garden planters, nice potting soil and fresh seeds or starter plants.
1.  Arugula (Italian) - Tender leaves add bit to salads and other dishes.  For best flavor, harvest them when they are 4" tall.
2.  Curly Leafed Kale - Super ruffled Winterbor is a vigorous potted grower that stands up to cold temperatures.  Leaves turn sweeter after frost.
3.  Swiss Chard - The sturdy stalks of Bright Lights come in a rainbow of colors, including gold, pink, red and white; the frilly leaves are dark green.  Perfect Potted.
4.  Green Onion - Both the white and the green parts have a strong, zesty flavor.  These look lovely filling up a planter.
5.  Savoy Cabbage - Lime green forms tight heads, ideal for closely spaced potting.
1.  Bell Pepper - These wonderful orbs are grat for stuffing and salads, the fruits start out green, some mature to red, yellow, orange, and even chocolate brown.  Perfect in size for a large garden planter.
2.  Basil - Always popular, large glossy leaves have a spicy anise flavor, this variety is often used in pizza or other Italian dishes. 
3.  Beans - Pole beans are great potted.  Blue Lake variety is stringless and smooth, with a stronger flavor than bush types.  Grow them on a trellis placed in the pot.
4.  Tomato - Who hasn't grown tomatoes in garden planters?  The cherry type is juicy, sweet and just the right size.  The plants resists disease.
5.  Zucchini - The ronde de Nice is a French heirloom type with round, tender zucchini fruits.  Harvest them when they are less that 3" in diameter.
6.  Sunflower - The Yellow Disk flowers grow 4 to 5 inches across, are perfect when potted and the blooms attract bees.
Read more.....Abundant Indoor Blooms
Read more.....Easy Vertical Gardening

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 1:06:11 PM 
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