The Pottery Post Blog

November In Your Yard & Garden.


Now that we are into the heart of November, we thought we would make a few suggestions of items that you can and should be doing in your yard, garden and home decorating ideas.

In preparation for the holidays, plant standard and miniature amaryllis at mid month in to decorative small planters that are colorful and decorative. These make wonderful holiday gifts and are easy to do.  Since they are mild climate bulbs they don't need re-chilling like tulips.  Position the bulb in a garden pot so the widest part is even with the soil in and the top half is exposed.  Place the planter piece of pottery in a sunny window, keep the soil moist but not wet and fertilize every 2 to 4 weeks.  Flowers appear 4 to 6 weeks after planting.  What a super gift idea.
For colorful, tasty greens all winter, sow lettuce seeds in garden pots right now.  If you are a fan of radish now is a good time to plant also.  Try Tennis Ball, Yugoslavian red butter head, varieties of seeds.  Go on-line to find a supplier and have them sent directly to your home.  Use terracotta clay or ceramic pots and find those right here at  You can also sow seeds of beets, carrots, beans, kale, spinach and turnips.  All are easy to grow and fun to try in pottery.
Go out into the yard or garden and divide your agave potted cacti.  By repotting the replants you can get quite a number of re-growth for filling in your winter garden planters.  After digging them up, let damaged roots scab over in the sake for 3 days before replanting them into pots.  This is easy to do and an easy way to get lots of plant materials out of plants you already have.  Fun.

Propagate your succulents now also.  When they outgrown their decorative pots or creep beyond the a lotted space, you can prune them and use the cuttings to start new plants.  Young plants make great hostess and holiday gifts also.   Shape a rosette from the mother plant, leaving a couple of inches of stem attached.

Set the cutting aside in a dry place out of direct sun and until the cut end seals.  Plant the healed rosette in loose, well draining potting soil in a wonderful and decorative garden planter.  water regularly, letting the soil dry out between watering's.  Wrap a ribbon around the pot and give as the "gift that keeps on giving".  Love it.
Read more.....It's now or never on bulbs.
Read more.....Let's create an indoor herb garden.

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 1:24:42 PM 
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