The Pottery Post Blog

Make your own Japanese Garden


Create your own Japanese Garden by following these tips.  They bring the culture and character of Japan into your landscape.  You might not be able to travel to Kyoto to visit its famed public and private gardens but there are more than 300 public Japanese gardens in North America.  The quantity alone points to the popularity of Asian style gardens outside Japan, and visiting one in your area should be a first step in learning more
Study nature and take note of the innate beauty of water, rocks, native plants and topography.  The best Japanese gardens evoke natural scenery.

They try to capture natural patterns and distill them into a small space near your home.  Start by selecting foliage plants.  Flowering trees and shrubs are present in traditional Japanese gardens, but the primary use of broad leaf evergreen and coniferous plants ensures year round texture and interest.  A really well done garden will look good in all four seasons.  Mix in some glazed garden planters and fill with smaller versions of green plants like palms or rubber trees
Include a water feature.  Almost every good Japanese garden has water in some form or another.  Some have ornaments with water or a basin of water.  Larger gardens have a pond or stream.  A lot of the most natural patterns involve water,such as the way a river curves or the flow of water over a boulder.

Many garden planters can be turned into water features.  The sounds of bubbling water is soothing and lovely and you can fill the planter with river rock giving it a natural affect.  Fill a pond with koi and float lilies.
Connect the landscape to your home.  The most important thing about a Japanese garden is to integrate the house and the garden together.  Add a sun room or seasonal room with an indoor - outdoor connecting and extend the deck almost to the water's edge.  Fill the garden with Japanese lanterns with a soft candle glow.  Place a birdbath or bird feeder where you can attract local wildlife and hear the pleasant sounds.  Always have a bench of some type to sit on for meditation or just a peaceful visit.
Read for fantastic containers.
Read more.....New & Unusual grasses.

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 2:18:45 PM 
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4/19/2017 11:11:16 PM 
FishPondSealant 4/19/2017 11:11:16 PM 
It is not limited to make a garden or pond too necessary is keeping it up. The pond is lined with Pondpro2000 can protect your fish and pond too. But for keeping it clean and maintain you have to get rid of all filth and fish that are not healthy.

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