The Pottery Post Blog

Happy Potted Herbs!


Keeping potted herbs happy and healthy is very easy to do.  They like a minimum of 5 hours of direct sunlight every day.  Keep pots soil moist and well drained.  Remember, herbs grown in garden pots dry out quickly, so consider using containers at least 12" across.  Plant with a timed release, granular fertilizer in mid summer, or use a water soluble liquid.  Trim herbs frequently to prevent them from flowering.  When they do bloom, their flavor diminishes and growth of tasty new foliage slow.

Basically that is it.  Below, we will get more specific with the 5 most popular potted herbs.  Read more.....

Chives:  With clumps of grass like leaves, chives are valued for their mild flavor and rosy purple flowers in spring.  They are especially easy to grow in potted planters because they tend to spread their roots and take over your garden when not contained.  Scatter seeds in a well draining pot with good potting soil.

Make sure the pot is placed in a sunny kitchen window or on a sunny patio area.  Garlic chives also called Chinese chives, have a mild garlic taste which is very popular.  They have flat leaves and white flowers.  They self seed so profusely that the only maintenance they require is cutting back to make sure they don't overtake the whole pot.

Rosemary:  One of the easiest and most fragrant herb to grow, they require only plenty of sun and well draining potting soil.  This plant grows bushy so select a good sized garden planter.

It has greenish gray needle like foliage and blooms in winter.  They vary in height from 1 to 6 feet so make sure you get the correct seeds to fit your pot.  You can also clip them into topiares.  We love Rosemary in cooking. Stuff branches inside a chicken to roast, fill a vase with them and place on a kitchen counter for fragrance or use them in flower arrangements to add green foliage and smell.  Yummy!
Thyme, is one of the most beloved perennial herbs in any garden.  The aroma is warm and exotic and the foliage is finely textured.  While some selections of potted thyme are essential in the kitchen, others are among the most appealing herbs for landscaping and patio decorating.

No matter what the season, thyme puts on a show.  It's evergreen foliage provides interest in the garden and is wonderful in any vase arrangement.  In early spring the flowers open, sprinkling the plant with spots of white, pink, lavender, or rose.
Sage:  is a small, mounding shrub 8 to 36" wide so make sure your garden planter is large enough.  Its velvety, gray green leaves are essential to flavoring many poultry and holiday recipes.  Try it in cooking and you will love it as much as we do.

Many colorful varieties exist.  Golden sage compliments terracotta pots and purple sage is great in bright glazed pottery.  The darker foliage blends well with rosemary, lavender and purple basil varieties.
The most popular herb that is grown in garden planters is basil.  From seeds it really easy and hardy and will save you money over store purchased.  Especially if you are a pesto fanatic.  Wait till mid May when the soil warms up in your pots to scatter the seeds.  Press them into the soil with your fingers and then gently water.  This plant is hardy and easy to transplant into other pots. 

Read more.....Hydrangeas are in bloom.
Read more....Stop animals from nibbling.

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 2:29:41 PM 
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