The Pottery Post Blog

Containers That Thrive On Neglect


Believe it or not, there are potted plants that like it hot and dry and need very little water.  These types of plants mainly consist of succulents and cacti that love full, hot sun and a little bit of water.  When you travel considerably these are the plants to pot and have around your home and garden.  They won't stress you out or worry you when you leave them for a few days.....
Cacti, succulents, aloes and sotols are amazing when it comes to tolerance of human forgetfulness or hot baking sites.    They tend to thrive where other potted plants fail.  Using many of these in your garden ahead will provide year round beauty with little attention.  Drought adapted plants also have strikingly different forms, color and textures which add uniqueness to your garden or patio area.  What's really neat is that they conserve water resources and time when it comes to watering them during the summer months.

You can use glazed as well as terracotta when it comes to the best types of containers.  The main thing to consider when using these types of plant materials is trying to match the pot size to the plants root mass.  By minimizing the container it keeps the soil mass smaller which helps it to dry out quickly once watered.  These types of plants like a compact area where water is scarce, so don't worry about confining the roots.  You will know by looking at the size and health of your plant if it is time to re-pot in a larger container.

Even though these potted plants like it dry, they need to be watered and fertilized periodically.  You must however give them a dry spell between watering's.  That time can last for days or even weeks, with no harm done to the plants.  When you do water them be thorough.  Most pots like a liquid fertilizer at half strength about once a month during the growing season.  You can mix in slow release fertilizer in an established container.
One of the most easy to find groups of drought adapted plants is succulents.  They store water in their leaves unlike cacti that has no leaves and hold their water in their stems.  All cacti grow well in plant containers so don't hesitate to experiment and give them a try.  We think you will really love this way of container gardening.
Read more.....Clay Pot Irrigation.
Read more.....Grow your own backyard drugstore.

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 2:57:43 PM 
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