The Pottery Post Blog

Why Garden Containers?


Like an empty stage just waiting for your direction, a deck, patio or garden can display container plants with great drama when considering the pottery choices you have.

When you are looking for some added color, character, or garden accessory, pottery is the easiest choice.
You can choose from so many different types of plant materials, that when selecting the planter to put them in, it can be over whelming.  Terracotta, Rustic, Glazed, High fired, low fired, Poly Resin, Concrete or metal are all available today.   Our suggestion is to read the descriptions on our website or contact a customer service representative.  They are trained to know the facts and have a lot of experience with the newer materials.

Whether you do your gardening on an apartment deck, a typical suburban or on a vast countryside, containers will simplify the process.  You can make the plantings portable and contained so they don't take over the whole yard.  By picking up the most lush flowers at the local garden center you can put them immediately in to a colorful garden planter and have instant design, and color.

By placing just one planter of bright flowers on your windowsill, patio or front porch you will immediately create an miniature garden.  Just starting out with a couple of potted flowers can create an urge to get more containers and flowers because it is so easy to do and so rewarding.

Remember that by planting in garden containers instead of directly into the ground you are portable, compact and convenient.  Plant spring bulbs in April, Red white & blue flower on the 4th of July, a living Christmas tree for the holidays.  Planting in pots makes it easy!
Read more.....Falls Color Surprises.
Read more.....PLan now for next season.

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 3:10:05 PM 
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