The Pottery Post Blog

To Cold for Containers? NEVER!

 13205 Title
 13206 Opening-Statement
If a material looks good and stand up to winter weather, why not reuse it from year to year?  The reusable red bamboo poles in this pot offer a strong vertical accent, while living variegated boxwood provides more vertically and a striking backdrop.

Tall, bold gestures such as these are especially important in winter designs.  People aren't as likely to stop and linger when the weather is blustery, so designs need to read well from a distance.  For this container, wrap dried magnolia leaves around African knobs - all available at dried flower retailers and craft stores.  Reconstructing natural materials and arranging them in clusters is another great way to make designs pop.

The Pot used in this photo is from the Vietnamese Black Clay line.  It is high fired and can with stand colder temps.  It will not absorb water and therefore will not freeze.  With the bright colors in the plant materials a subtle colored pot can be used with great success.
This container includes Variegated boxwood, stained red bamboo poles, African knobs, Southern magnolia and noble fir boughs.
Now to enhance your winter designs with unique containers:  Look to the colorful glazes and decorative etchings on pots as a source of inspiration.  The detailed carving on this container draws the eye up to the planting, while the mahogany-stained kuwa stems and black spruce boughs continue the progression up and out.

Luckily, creating winter containers doesn't have to mean gardening in frigid temperatures.  For this container, you can fill a plastic growers pot with potting soil and arrange the planting indoors.  Once the design is finished, take it outdoors and drop it into the decorative container.

One thing to consider when using a container like this granite one shown or one of our concrete planters is that once it's filled it will be to heavy to move around so make sure it's in a place you can leave it till next Spring.

This pot has Mahogany stained kuwa stems, reed bamboo, black spruce boughs, southern magnolia, incense cedar, driftwood and winterberry.
We hope this give you some great ideas.  Stretch your imagination, apply a few of these tips and you should experience great success.
Read more.....Anatomy of a pot
Read more.....How to plant a winter container

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 3:13:37 PM 
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