The Pottery Post Blog

Around Your Yard In December

There are so many fun and interesting things that you can do in your yards & gardens now.  Below are a few suggestions.
Plant bulbs, daffodils are great to plant right now.  Don't wait until to late in the season.  By then the ground could be frozen and hard, making the chore much more difficult.  Cover citrus trees with frost cloth or old sheet when frost is predicted.  Care for your holiday poinsettias by removing decorative plastic or foil wrapping.  Keep the soil moist by watering.  Don't forget your indoor houseplants.  They need to be fertilized till the flowering stops.  Spread mulch over beds with bulbs, perennials, and shrubs to protect their roots during freeze and thaw cycles.
Cut branches for decor.  Trimming from trees and shrubs like evergreens, fir, holly, pine and redwood are ideal to use in garden pottery to create a decorative and lush display.  Make sure when trimming that you cut downward growing branches to foster spreading.  Look for holly berry branches so that you can add a touch of color.

Recycle leaves by raking them up and adding them to your compost pile, or spread a thick layer around your plants.  Top a potted plant if there are bulbs inside.  You can always store them in plastic bags and toss them around each month just like you would a compost barrel.  Next spring dump them into your garden soil to enrich it or mix with your potting soil when putting out your spring plants.
Grow Amaryllis now - These are some of the most elegant flowers of the holiday season.  Buy them as bulbs that you can plant in your own garden container.  The one shown is called a rose pot but we love the height with the tapered sides.  Click here to view the planter.  Bloom colors included red, white, pink and green.  Miniatures are available.  Enjoy a single amaryllis, or use several of the same type to create a living potted arrangement of color on a table or mantle.  Tuck in a few ferns and mosses to fill out the display.
Finally, don't forget to the feed the wildlife in your yard.  A birdhouse is always fun and will encourage the birds to make a home and stick around for the other seasons.  Place them in front of a window so that you can enjoy watching or by a patio where they will not be disturbed this time of year.

Post Last Updated: 9/28/2023 1:35:42 PM 
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