The Pottery Post Blog

Fun Pot Ideas

 13129 Title
There are many fun things you can do with simple terracotta clay flower pots.  We have a whole section on Pinterest of craft project divided into sections for holidays, birthdays, teacher gifts, Valentines Day, & much more.  Check it out if you haven't looked at some of these easy and fun craft projects.  In this blog entry we will just highlight a few fun tips.  Enjoy!
Ever thought of using a clay saucer to hold a SOS pad?  It will keep it from rusting.  Just leave it besides the kitchen sink and place the damp pad on it and the clay will absorb the moisture and keep the pad dry.  Honest!

Use a clay saucer as a coaster.  Line the bottom with felt to protect your tables and glue it on. Paint the any color you want but make sure you use a waterproof paint.
Decorating for a holiday party.  Valentines Day, 4th of July, Christmas?  Paint clay pots in the colors that compliment the theme.  Fill with napkins, silverware, candy or colorful flowers that match.  They make great center pieces on the tables of any kind of function.
Fill terracotta saucers with sand and set around a garden party to be used for ashtrays.  Plant tomatoes in when you have no yard to grow in.  Fill with cotton balls, toothbrushes, potpourri or treats and use indoors.  Children love projects.  Have them paint them with any decorations, stickers or items they can glue on and then plant in them.  Fun!
Read more.....Interesting gardening books for all readers
Read more.....The Art of Clay pot irrigation.
Read More..... Birthday Gifts

Post Last Updated: 9/28/2023 1:52:07 PM 
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