The Pottery Post Blog

Abundant Indoor Blooms


Success with African violets and their cousins depends on consistent moisture and light.  Everyone loves African violets for potted indoor flowers, but you may want to try some of their relatives.  Read more below.....

There is not a big difference between growing potted plants outdoors versus indoor, except that the ones inside tend to be mostly greens and very few flowers.  Violets tend to be the exception.  Most varieties come from tropical climates so they love the indoor temperatures and warmth.  When people think of violets they tend to think about how difficult they are to grow.  Well, that's not the case at all.

There are many points to consider when growing African Violets in lovely garden pots.  A main consideration is the color of the blooms.  They come in so many shades that it is difficult to select just one.  The green foliage is also varies depending on the plant that you select.  You may want to contrast the color of the bloom with a colorful pot.  Example: purple bloom with bright pink planter. 

When it comes to space needed these plants are easy.  They usually never get any larger than a foot wide.  Which ever size you go with just make sure that the planter pot provides enough room since they don't like to be cramped.  When it comes to watering you don't want to over water so use a water gauge if necessary.

During the winter, most homes with forced air or any other drying heat source has relative humidity of 15% or less, ver close to levels found in a desert.  Misting plants by hand offers only temporary results, and mineral deposits in the water will leave spots on the leaves.

Read more.....How to repot a plant.
Read more.....Pet friendly plants.

Post Last Updated: 9/28/2023 1:44:33 PM 
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