Maintaining A Potted Garden |
Here are a few easy tips on how to maintain your potted garden.
Even though choosing to pot up your plants, trees & flowers is physically easy taking care of them properly take certain actions. You must be vigilance when it comes to grooming, watering & fertilizing
Grooming tips - Keep floral dead flowers removed. It not only makes the plant look better but it encourages them to flower again. If the foliage looks like it is growing out of shape or off on one side, cut back the branches so they look better and not knarly. Use small scissors to keep any topiary looking trimmed and leaves & stems from poking out.
Watering Schedule - When it comes to when and how long to water your potted garden it really depends on the weather conditions you find yourself experiencing. If it's really hot outside you need to water every day. Soak the potting soil till completely moist and water comes out the drain hole of the planter. If it's cooler weather you should water every other day or so depending on the weather. Light colored containers hold water longer. Terracotta is porous so it seeps out faster and needs to be watered more often. A poly resin planter holds water longer.
Fertilizing - It's always easiest to water your garden containers at the same time you water. When it's warmer and your plants are blooming, fertilize when you water the plants every two weeks or so. As the weather cools use less fertilizer. Remember that the potting mix starts out with fertilizer already in it but that will run out eventually, depending on how much you water, how large the pot etc....
Knowing when and how to take care of your potted garden makes the job so much easier and enjoyable. As the garden season ends you may have to move some planters to a shed or garage for protection. Cut down the plants that require it and understand that when the season is over for some annuals it's over and all you can do is take them out of the pots and compost them. Store you garden containers indoors till next Spring when you can bring them out, wash them and plant again.
Good Luck,
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potted gardens, garden containers, garden pottery, planters, pots |
By ArizonaPottery Post Last Updated: 8/22/2023 11:17:41 AM |
Just Add Water |
No space for a pond? No problem. Did you know you can create a water world in a garden container? Who doesn't like to look at or listen to water when on the patio, porch or in the garden.
Of course when trying to select a container you need to consider all your choices. Plastic buckets, colorful waterproof laundry baskets or garden pottery and containers where the drain hole has been plugged. Just make sure the container needs to be able to hold water. If for example you like the look of terracotta and really want to turn a terra-cotta container into a pond you can always line it with black flexi pond liners. They are easily cut to fit and will give you the illusion of depth when viewed thru the water.
Next choose the plant materials. There are really a lot to choose from. Aquatic plants that you buy can simple be placed inside your water garden container. There is no need to repot them in another medium. Just add a few floating plants for a finished look. When it comes to chooses you can go with submerged plants which grow partly in and partly out of the water in full sun or shade. Or floating plants like lilies like elephant ears. Lastly shoreline plants like paprus which grow to 18 inches and add height.
Whether or not you choose to have a pump that will circulate the water or create a fountain is up to you. You will have to contact them for further information but they are great options to consider.
Control algae in your container by limiting its sunlight and nutrients. Place the pot out of direct sun and include underwater and floating plants that elbow algae out and shade the waters surface. Above all else. Use what you like and think is attractive, find that perfect spot for the container and give it a go. You never know, this maybe the best garden feature you will own.
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pottery, planters, flowerpots, gardening, landscaping, landscape pottery, garden containers |
water gardens, container gardens, container ponds, water in pots. |
By ArizonaPottery Post Last Updated: 8/22/2023 11:19:44 AM |
Potted Peonies |
Every trip you make to the local nursery by your home, you will have unlimited choices to make. What type of plant to pot is a big one. Fragrant plants, succulents, herbs, flowers...so many wonderful choices. In this blog post we want to re-introduce you to Peonies. The beautiful colors and different petal are fun to pick from.
Don't let the beauty of a peony fool you, these are hardy perennials and once established will require very little pampering. There are 3 main types to consider with significant differences. From bloom time to stem strength to fragrance, each type has its own selling points.
Step one: Pick a sunny place to put your garden planter. If you don't get sun then place the pot on a caddie so you can move it into the sun for part of the day. Make sure the pot has drain holes and rich potting mix. A peony requires good drainage, plenty of light and rich soil so this is not the place to skimp.
Step two: Make sure the garden planter has depth. Regardless of the root size make sure the pot is as wide as possible and as deep. When selecting fertilizer opt for one low in nitro and high in phosphorus. Adding bone meal helps boost the trace minerals in the soil.
Step three: Don't pant too deep. Only 2" beneath the top soil works best. That still leaves plenty of depth for the roots system and there is a better chance of them blooming. If buried too deep they won't bloom.
We think these lovely flowers should be considered the next time you are changing out your garden planters. They are beautiful, smell wonderful and fairly hardy. Give peonies a chance!
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potted peonies, peony, planted peonies, peonies in pots, arizonapottery, garden planters, pottery, pots |
By ArizonaPottery Post Last Updated: 8/22/2023 11:20:47 AM |