Planting Winter Wonders in Garden Pottery |
Feeling the winter blahs yet? Head to the local garden center and get yourself some seasonal leafy greens. These grow great during the winter months and having them fill up those empty flowerpots you have sitting around your home and patio areas is a great plus.
Here's a few suggestions for greens that love winter!
1. Kale - Toss bit sized pieces with fresh lemon juice, garlic and extra virgin olive oil, then saute quickly until just tender. Pair with ancient whole grains such as quinoa or sorghum for a satisfying and nourishing meal. These will fill out a garden planter with curly thick leaves and stems. Many times the underside of the leaf is purple which adds a lot of color to your winter landscape.
2. Collards: A nutritional powerhouse of green goodness, collards make a smart addition to hearty soups. Toss chopped pieces into the pot toward the end of a soup's cooking time, and simmer until soft and tender. Another deep green colorful plant that has large leaves and will fill out any garden planter with no worries. Nice straight leaves with a white vein these are wonderful.
3. Swiss Chard or Lettuce: A relative of the beet family, this hardy veggies comes in a rainbow varieties that bring welcome color to winter dishes. For brunch, stem leaves lightly, then use as a base for poached eggs. Yummy! We really like this green potted up. It has deep purple stems & veins which off set the deep green semi curly leaves. Color wise they are a beautiful in a garden container as any flower or house plant that we have seen. Check them out.
We hope we gave you some great ideas on how to turn winters starkness into a lush and healthy time. |
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greens in gardenpots, greens in planters, pottery, pots, containers, |
By Arizona Pottery Post Last Updated: 8/24/2023 2:14:20 PM |
The Power of Colored Pottery |
The Power of Colored Garden Planters!
Try this experiment. Visit a local garden center where there is a large selection of colored garden planters. Do the blue shades calm you down? Are you warmed and energized by reds? Do you gravitate toward greens? How about the natural appeal of terracotta pottery?
We are incredibly sensitive to color. In face, the human eye can detect seven million unique variations. We are also very sensitive to the mood and feelings that colors can create.
Psychologist Ayben Ertem, who researches the effects of color on human behavior, says pink tones tend to be soothing and relaxing. To encourage deeper conversations, she suggest using orange pots around a patio to encourage people to talk and share. Want to experience a relaxing feel when laying around the pool? Use lavender or purple since they have a relaxing effect.
When it comes to planning out a color scheme it is best to stick with neutrals. White, Black or Terracotta planters. These go with all plant materials and decorating details like patio chairs and cushions. When you want the star to be the plants and not the pots these are great choices.
Of course, your best bet may be to forget about the color "rules" and simply surround yourself with shades and hues you enjoy most. |
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colored pottery planters pots home and garden containers yard pots |
By Arizona Pottery Post Last Updated: 8/24/2023 2:15:23 PM |
Growing Hyacinths Indoors |
How to Grow Hyacinths Indoors
There is nothing on a cold winter days than the sight of garden bulbs blooming indoors. Not only are they lovely to look at but the fragrance is outstanding. So, here are a few tips to help you make this adventure a success.
When looking for bulbs to purchase make sure you get the correct one for indoor growing. They are called forced bulbs not standard. Forced bulbs have been through a process to ensure they will flower in mid winter.
Know in advance that they won't plant in a week once they are planted so plan ahead. Select a garden container for your bulbs. We recommend a shallow bulb pan, azalea pot or even a garden saucer if it's deep enough. The bulbs roots are not that big so they don't need a deep planter for success.
Keep in mind that wide planters are also best. You can group them together and create a wonderful display. Remember that even thought a mix color arrangement is lovely the bulbs may bloom at different times so it's best to stick with one color for forcing.
Get a good potting mix. Fill the planter and set the bulbs on the soil in the arrangement you desire. Fill around them but not over them. Keep them watered at all times. Place the flower pots in a dark cool place. A garage, shed, under a staircase, a basement. Or place a cardboard box over them so they stay dark. Check once a week and make sure they are watered.
After a few weeks you should see green shoots. Over the next few weeks these will grow longer. When it reaches 2" high its time to bring them indoors. Being exposed to warmth and sunlight will make them grow wonderfully. Display in a sunny window and the smell will surround you in wonder.
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pottery planters pots bulbs gowing indoors. planter containers yard pots indoor flowerpots |
By Arizona Pottery Post Last Updated: 8/24/2023 2:17:52 PM |
Potted Chickweed |

What is Chickweed and why do I want to pot some?
Well, we had that same question and this is what we found out. Chickweed is a sprawling plants. It has tiny green leaves with stems that have tiny white hairs. The white flowers have 5 petals, though they tend to be deeply notched and can appear to be 10 petals upon first glance.
Chickweed is high in calcium, iron and magnesium, as well as Vitamins A & C. It is packed with nutrition but admittedly the flavor can be a bit bland on it own but there are some great ways to include it in your meals.
Salads - Combine chickweed leaves and flowers with other greens for salads. Pick young tender leaves because as the summer wears on the stems tend to get a bit stringy in texture.
Smoothies - Because it's bland adding it to fruit smoothies increases the nutrition factor without getting in the way of the fruit tastes.
Pesto - Chickweed makes a delightful and easy pesto. Make a bunch when it is plentiful and freeze it for tasty meals.
When it comes to planting it in a flower pot it - you would want to treat it like any herb. Use well draining potting mix, plant in a garden container that has a drain hole. Fertilize as directed and water the roots not the leaves or flowers. It's really lovely in a garden planter and will add beauty and lushness to any garden decor. Since it does start to trail you may want to add it to the outside of the pot and put taller plants in the center.
Source: homespunseasonalliving.com
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chickweed potted planter planted herbs in pots chickweed in flower pots planters pottery pots |
By Arizona Pottery Post Last Updated: 8/24/2023 2:19:19 PM |
Easter Flower Pot Idea |
Easy Easter Craft Project using a clay flower pot! |
Start with a nice smooth Italian clay flower pot. Make sure it is clean. If there are any finger prints or marks on it, just wash with warm water and soap and rinse good. Dry completely.
Take Folk Art acrylic Paint and stencils purchased at Michael's craft stores. Lay the stencil on the pot where you want it placed. Squirt some paint on a paper plate. Dip the stencil brush end into the paint and make little circles on the stencil to transfer the paint. Don't get the brush to full. If you do dab some of it off.
It doesn't take much to paint on the design. If you keep the brush fairly dry you won't get the leaks under the stencil. The Folk Art stencils have a sticky back to help it stick to the pot surface. They are easy to clean up also.
Once the pot is finished, fill with floral foam. Top with shredded paper and then stick the items you purchased around the pot into the foam until you get the desired look.
At the end of the Easter Season, you can take it all out and have a great flowerpot to plant in.
Source: Petticoatjunktion
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By Arizona Pottery Post Last Updated: 8/24/2023 2:21:18 PM |