The Pottery Post Blog

Let's Grow Lettuce In A Pottery Bowl

Growing delicious fresh lettuce right in your own backyard garden planters or garden bowls, is easy and fun to do.  Now is the time to be doing it because the weather is cooler and fall has arrived.  Of course you can plant in decorative and imported pottery from Arizona Pottery or you can plant in the garden.  Either way you will love the rich colors and textures not to mention outstanding flavors that you can achieve.

Even if you are just looking for a way to fill a few empty planters sitting on your patio, by potting these lettuces you will fill your planters with rich colors of red, browns, bright greens and more.  You can even plant them along side the violas or pansies that are so popular right now.  This is a great way to compliment the flowers already growing.  Most people love the idea of growing their own garden greens.  It sure makes it easy to know where your food is coming from!!!!

If this is your first time then start by purchasing the plant materials that are ready to go right into your garden pottery.  You can buy lettuce as individual or as mixes, which ever you prefer.  Remember just don't plant them to deep and water gently.  If you want to start by seeds instead you will get more variety and selection to choose from.  Follow the instruction on the seed packets and you should have great

Next, select the garden planter or pottery bowl that you are going to pot into.  If you want to grow the lettuce in large garden planters sitting on your deck or patio that is fine.  If you want to add a touch of pizazz to your garden area, then select a 12" or larger planter bowl that is decorating and compliments your decor.  Make sure you have a saucer if it will sit on a table.

Lettuce likes loose, well draining potting soil not garden soil.  Make sure you water regularly and geed with fertilizer when needed.  Lettuce can take light frost but not heavy frost.  During super cold weather, cover with garden fabric or move the planters into the garage for protections.  The best way to harvest lettuce is to pick only the outer leaves near the bottom so the plant can keep growing.
Read more.....Focal points in your garden.
Read more.....How to clean plant pots.

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 1:23:43 PM 

November In Your Yard & Garden.


Now that we are into the heart of November, we thought we would make a few suggestions of items that you can and should be doing in your yard, garden and home decorating ideas.

In preparation for the holidays, plant standard and miniature amaryllis at mid month in to decorative small planters that are colorful and decorative. These make wonderful holiday gifts and are easy to do.  Since they are mild climate bulbs they don't need re-chilling like tulips.  Position the bulb in a garden pot so the widest part is even with the soil in and the top half is exposed.  Place the planter piece of pottery in a sunny window, keep the soil moist but not wet and fertilize every 2 to 4 weeks.  Flowers appear 4 to 6 weeks after planting.  What a super gift idea.
For colorful, tasty greens all winter, sow lettuce seeds in garden pots right now.  If you are a fan of radish now is a good time to plant also.  Try Tennis Ball, Yugoslavian red butter head, varieties of seeds.  Go on-line to find a supplier and have them sent directly to your home.  Use terracotta clay or ceramic pots and find those right here at  You can also sow seeds of beets, carrots, beans, kale, spinach and turnips.  All are easy to grow and fun to try in pottery.
Go out into the yard or garden and divide your agave potted cacti.  By repotting the replants you can get quite a number of re-growth for filling in your winter garden planters.  After digging them up, let damaged roots scab over in the sake for 3 days before replanting them into pots.  This is easy to do and an easy way to get lots of plant materials out of plants you already have.  Fun.

Propagate your succulents now also.  When they outgrown their decorative pots or creep beyond the a lotted space, you can prune them and use the cuttings to start new plants.  Young plants make great hostess and holiday gifts also.   Shape a rosette from the mother plant, leaving a couple of inches of stem attached.

Set the cutting aside in a dry place out of direct sun and until the cut end seals.  Plant the healed rosette in loose, well draining potting soil in a wonderful and decorative garden planter.  water regularly, letting the soil dry out between watering's.  Wrap a ribbon around the pot and give as the "gift that keeps on giving".  Love it.
Read more.....It's now or never on bulbs.
Read more.....Let's create an indoor herb garden.

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 1:24:42 PM 

Windowbox Garden Planters


You really don't need to be an expert to create a lush, stunning, window box garden planter.  By following a few easy steps listed below, you should be able to create a Arizona Pottery planter that is just as lovely for your home or garden area.
Of course, the first place to start is with a windowbox garden planter.  We recommend a lightweight, rectangular shaped box, that has a way to connect to a wall securely.  A poly resin planter is nice because it is lightweight, super durable, large enough to hold a display of colorful plant materials and easy to locate and purchase.  If you can find one with removable drain plugs, even better, because then you can control when and if the water drains.
Start with a good lightweight soil mix that contains water absorbent crystals.  By adding them you can increase the amount of water the soil can hold.  Add a slow release fertilizer and make sure it is mixed in well.  Prepare the plant materials.

This is a fun step and when you can get most creative.  Select your favorite plants, change the look each season, or take a trip to the local nursery and see what is being promoted at that time of year.  Try to mix up the plants.  Use trailing vines and plants that stand upright.  This will add depth and interest.

Make sure they are planted close to together, using up to 20 plants per
windowbox, but also don't over crowd.  Leave room for plant growth.  Keep placing them and tucking them into each other until you get the look you are striving for.  Remember that the planter can only hold so much weight so don't over pack.  Pack around the plants with more potting soil and make sure there are no air pockets left
Keep the window box planters watered.  Try to water each morning for the best results.  The amount of water needed will depend on where the sun hits them, if it's a windy day and what type of plants are being used.

These types of planters are fun to create, easy to maintain and will add an ornamental look to the side of any home or garden area. 
Read more.....Consider climate when planting containers.
Read more.....Autumn containers using evergreens.

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 1:59:50 PM 

Fiery Fall Garden Planters


This time of year when you look out your window do you see nothing but gray?  Arizona Pottery has a few suggestions for you  where you can pot some plants that will take your boring to "fiery".  It's as simple as planting the right stuff.  By potting some orange leaves, red smokin flowers and mixing in a few berries, you can create garden planters that will ignite your garden or patio area this autumn.

If you are just a bit tired or want an easy way to set the area on fire then start with the easiest most radiant flowers.   Mums in reds and oranges, marigolds which always look stunning this time of year, salvias and herbs smell good and add intense colors to any display.  Take a simple garden pot like terracotta and set it on fire with an intense burst of color from any of these types of plants & flowers.
Want something a bit more dramatic?  Try lion's tail it will grow very tall and burst with orange blooms that are great for attracting hummingbirds, and butterflies.  To really burst on the scene with color start with a colorful red, orange, copper or rust garden planter and then fill it with deep intense greens.  Very ornamental in nature.
Think berries would be fun?  There are many types of trees and shrubs that offer fall and winter berries that are brightly lit.  The crab apple is really easy and hard to kill.  Make sure it's disease resistant and you will be richly rewarded with color from spring thru winter.  How about trying to grow some vibrant leaves for decorating with.  Of course Maple are the easy choice.  Their stunning red and orange leaves are lacy, poetic and radiant in garden pottery.  Make sure you find the size that is easy to pot and you will be rewarded with blazing color.

The next time you look out your garden window and see nothing but gray, that is the time to start planning on potting up a few of the suggestions we made and see if you can turn that into a blazing garden of color.
Read more.....Placing stones in your garden area.
Read more.....Abundant indoor blooms

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 2:00:33 PM 

Make This Chair Garden Planter

We saw this featured in a garden magazine and thought it was a wonderful idea.  Take a plain flea market chair and turn it into a wonderful garden planter.  The steps are listed below.
Materials needed:

Chair, screwdriver, primer paint and paint brush, clear acrylic sealer, chicken wire, staple gun and staples, spanish moss, potting soil, trowel and of course the fun part - garden plants.

Remove the seat from an old dining chair with a screwdriver.  If the seat is not removable use a jigsaw to cut a large hole into the seat of the chair.  Next you can prime and paint the chair from.  Of course this is a matter of choice and preference.

We love the idea of using a bright bold color to add a bit of pizazz to any garden or patio area where you will want to display colorful plants and flowers.  When dry, finish with a clear acrylic sealer to add durability.   If you can find a sealer with a UV protectant in it then there is a better chance of the color not fading
Form a bowl shape from the chicken wire and staple it to the inside of the seat frame.  Refer to the photos.  Line the chicken wire frame with Spanish moss and fill with potting soil.  Now is the fun time where you select and plant colorful flowers or dark green plants.  Include some trailing plants and tuck in moss to soften the edges of the chair seat.  Water well!

Seems like a fun and easy to do project.  Let us know what you think.
Read more.....It's now or never on bulbs!
Read more.....How to plant a winter container.

Post Last Updated: 9/18/2023 2:01:05 PM 

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