The Pottery Post Blog

Create Your Own Japanese Garden

 13090 Title

You can love to travel but many people prefer to stay home and enjoy their own garden and patio areas.  If you have ever dreamed of creating a Japanese garden in your backyard, here are few easy tips to help!

A.  Study nature and take special notice of water, rocks, plants, pottery and topography.  The best Japanese gardens create a feel of serenity.  This is not the place for colorful shocking lime green planters.  Try to keep the color in the plant materials.  Bright leaves in fall and dark deep greens throughout the year.  Shoot for a natural organic feel.

B.  Shrubs, trees and flowers are all found in traditional gardens.  Plant by the seasons so that the garden will always be blooming with colors no matter the time of year.  You can bury bulbs deep in pots that sprout during the winter months and have maple trees that bloom lovely in fall.  Flowering trees are wonderful in large black clay rustic pots.

C.  Include water in some form.  It can be as simple as a pot saucer that is filled with water and floating flower petals.  Many garden pots have been turned into water fountains and they are easy to use.  Almost every Japanese garden has water in some manner.  A pond or stream are not uncommon but not always possible.

D.  Lastly, try to connect the garden to your home.  Extend a deck to the gardens edge or use garden pottery on the deck that is also displayed in the back of the garden.  Try to find a similar look or pattern to draw them together for unity and serenity.

Post Last Updated: 9/28/2023 1:41:49 PM 

Gardening Under Glass


This time of year, when you are thinking of cleaning up the garden, putting away the planters and getting ready for winter, we suggest you think about gardening indoors under glass.

A few years ago terrariums were a very popular way of keeping lovely plants indoors during the winter months.  It is a simple of experimenting with unusual plants, keeping your green thumb busy and bring life and color indoors for the stark days ahead.

The word terrarium refers more to the state of the plants a case contains than to the case itself.  You can use many different kinds of glass containers.  A fish bowl or old fish tank are great.  Anything that you can make a miniature greenhouse out of.  You want to select something that allows you easy access to the plants and still allows air to circulate.

Below we will list a few tips to consider when trying this project.
Fill the bottom of the container with pea gravel, garden mulch and potting soil.  You can plant directly into the soil or set potted plants directly on the gravel in a decorative arrangement.  Select plants that crave high humidity and warmth since this environment is perfect for that.

Ferns, herbs, African violets, and orchids will all work wonderfully.  Finish off with decorative items like miniature statues, decorative rocks, figurines and drift wood.  Try to create a mini garden in a jar.  The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process.

Read more.....Creat a fairie garden
Read more.....Wonderful winter containers

Post Last Updated: 9/28/2023 1:42:31 PM 

Poolscaping Basics

 13086 Title

Like a frame around a picture, the landscape that surrounds a pool can really enhance its beauty.  By adding some colorful flowers and greenery, all packaged in a stunning glazed planter, will not only look stunning but add some softness to the overall feel.

You need to note a few tips before you start your project, to insure that you have the most success.  Simple things to consider like selecting plants that don't drop a lot of leaves or flower petals.  You don't want to be constantly cleaning the pools surface or taking the chance that something will clog your pool equipment.  This doesn't mean that you can't use a beautiful flowering plant, you will just need to place it down-wind from the pool.  This simple consideration will help.


Another thing to think about is the amount of water a plant will need.  If you select a pot with a drain hole, which is the healthiest choice for most plants, you want to consider the run-off that may occur.  Don't place the potted plant on a deck where the run-off can create a muddy patch or dangerous situation for slipping.  The damage of constant water on the deck is another thing to think about.  Of course you can use a saucer to catch excess water and we offer a wide selection of them.  Just make sure it's large enough to hold the water and doesn't run over.  If the saucer is to small then what is the point of having it.

Lastly, we suggest you select some plant materials that have bright, bold colors, and heavenly fragrance all lovenly packaged in a high gloss decorative planter.  Just a few tips but all worth considering. 

Below is a list of a few plant materials that we love:

Bearded Iris - Scented geranium - Angelita daisy
Pineapple guava - Red Fairy Duster - Rosemary Salvia
Mediterranean fan palm - Date Palm - Texas ebony
Ice Plant - Trailing indigo bush - Yellow morning glory vine.

Post Last Updated: 9/28/2023 1:42:54 PM 

Potting Kale in Containers!


This versatile ornamental is great for cool season planting with color!

Giant rosettes of frilly leaves - in shades of lavender, deep rose and pink as well as crisp white and creamy yellow - make ornamental kale a favorite additions to any winter garden.  Because these showy cabbage relatives tolerate cold weather and can hold their brilliant color all the way into spring, they are ideal for growing in garden pots to display on porches, patios or beside entryways.

If you have never planted a garden container with these member of the cabbage family - you are missing and easy opportunity to add delicate elegance,  bold color and stunning greens to your fall garden or patio area.  There are a number of different plants to choose from and the range of colors and styles they provide are huge.  Try dinosaur kale, redbor kale or white flowering kale. 

Plant kale as soon as possible so heads develop fully, the color will intensify as the weather cools.  Set several kale plants of the same color in a large pottery container.  Combine them with cool season bloomers such as primroses or violas.

Varieties whose leaves are blushed with rose or lavender are especially pretty with blue flowered violas.  Display the planted pottery in full sun or light shade.  Water regularly and feed every other week with a fertilizer like fish emulsion.

When selecting a planter to use, try something that will help to add color.  Many of the poly resin, fiberglass or ceramic pots have vibrant deep colors in many different color categories.  This time of year your yard, garden and patio areas will need all the color they can get. 

Read more.....Wonderful winter containers.

Post Last Updated: 9/28/2023 1:43:29 PM 

Placing stones in a garden area.

Placing large stones around your yard or garden area may seem rather easy and simple to do.  You harken back to the days of childhood where you built play things out of stones and river rocks.  We think if you follow a few simple steps you will get the most bang for your buck and a final display that is stunning and functional.

Below are a few tips that you should take into consideration when trying to design with rocks or just place a few around your yard.  These ideas are only a framework and meant to give you a sense of how to set rocks.  Of course your personal preference will play a roll when deciding placement.

1.  Make sure you consider nature before placing rocks.  Study landscapes and land forms such as ledge outcroppings, stream beds, waterfalls, and stony islets.

2.  Make sure that your stones are set firmly into the ground.  This means that you want to set them either up to their knees or about one quarter of the way up from their bottom and go to their waist.   If you allow the underside of a rock to be exposed, it will look as though it was simply plopped down.

3.  Establish a relationship between stones.  With two stones, make the larger rock the major or dominant stone and the smaller rock the minor or subordinate stone.  It helps to create an image for the relationship between stones.  When placing 3 stones together, create a triangular relationship between them, such as a tall standing stone, a med size flat topped stone, and a low lying stone.  No matter how many stones you set, it helps to have an image firmly in mind before you begin

  Use stone of different sizes.  Think of how rocks look at the edge of a stream.  Smaller stone tumble to the side of larger rocks, varying the depth and height.
Read more.....How to create a natural serenity to your back yard.
Read more.....Branching out with bonsai.

Post Last Updated: 9/28/2023 1:43:56 PM 

Abundant Indoor Blooms


Success with African violets and their cousins depends on consistent moisture and light.  Everyone loves African violets for potted indoor flowers, but you may want to try some of their relatives.  Read more below.....

There is not a big difference between growing potted plants outdoors versus indoor, except that the ones inside tend to be mostly greens and very few flowers.  Violets tend to be the exception.  Most varieties come from tropical climates so they love the indoor temperatures and warmth.  When people think of violets they tend to think about how difficult they are to grow.  Well, that's not the case at all.

There are many points to consider when growing African Violets in lovely garden pots.  A main consideration is the color of the blooms.  They come in so many shades that it is difficult to select just one.  The green foliage is also varies depending on the plant that you select.  You may want to contrast the color of the bloom with a colorful pot.  Example: purple bloom with bright pink planter. 

When it comes to space needed these plants are easy.  They usually never get any larger than a foot wide.  Which ever size you go with just make sure that the planter pot provides enough room since they don't like to be cramped.  When it comes to watering you don't want to over water so use a water gauge if necessary.

During the winter, most homes with forced air or any other drying heat source has relative humidity of 15% or less, ver close to levels found in a desert.  Misting plants by hand offers only temporary results, and mineral deposits in the water will leave spots on the leaves.

Read more.....How to repot a plant.
Read more.....Pet friendly plants.

Post Last Updated: 9/28/2023 1:44:33 PM 

Succulents Even In Winter


Even if you don't have a patch of ground, you can quickly create an indoor dish garden to brighten your home or give as a gift, this time of year.

Small specimens of cactus and succulents are ideal for these tabletop pots, and many plants can coexist happily in the same container.

Part of the fun in designing a min garden is choosing plants, pots and textured mulches.

Cactus & succulents have very shallow roots and don't need a deep planter.  You can use round, rectangle or square.  Whatever  you like.  We offer some lovely glazed planters that come with saucers that are perfect for this type of planting.

Here are a few tips to take into consideration:

Many succulents and exotic plants will last through the winter with very little care.  If you use plants that aren't hardy make sure to place them in a sunny spot indoors.

After a year or two, plants may outgrow their containers.  Transplant them into bigger pots and re-group them in their containers.

The number of plants you need depends on the size and number of containers and the size of the plants.  If you buy two few, they will fill in by the end of the season.  If you buy to many you can cram them together into the pots.

Either way works.
Next spring, examine the soil in the containers.  Tiny seedlings of moss rose may be sprouting.  If left undisturbed, they will produce colorful blooms once again.

Get kids involved in these types of projects.  Kids love the texture of succulents and they will read out to feel the smooth and prickly surfaces.

Choose plants so that at least one will bloom in every season. With thoughtful choices, you can have all season color.

Read more.....How to make vases sparkle!
Read more.....Cacti & Succulents in pots!

Post Last Updated: 9/28/2023 1:45:08 PM 

Around The Garden November


This time of year is fun in the garden because of the bright colors of green and red that you are working with.  You may think it is time to slow down for the winter but yo There are still plenty of things you can do to make sure that your garden planters & area will still look lovely but that you can be prepared for next Spring.  Here are a few suggestions.

Add these bright Viola blooms to containers and flowerbeds to allow roots to become established before colder weather sets in.  Set transplants in a sunny spot in rich well-drained soil  When planting in garden containers and planters, good drainage is very important.  Other flowers you can plant as companions include snapdragons, sweet Williams, calendulas, and sweet alyssums.  Mix in fun things like cabbage, kale or parsley to complement to blooms.  Feed plants with fertilizer.  Simple and easy to do!

Now is the time to divide your perennials.  Whether in pots or the ground, dig up and divide your daisies, irises, hostas and daylilies.  A garden fork is the perfect tool for this.  Set divided plants back into the pots or soil a the original growing depth, water and cover with garden mulch.  All hand tools are perfect for using in potted garden containers.

With the holidays approaching, fragrant paper white bulbs are favorites this time of year.  These easy bulbs are so eager to grow that they don't even need to be planted in soil or a planter.  Select a low profile glazed pot.  It can be round or square even rectangle.  Make sure it has a saucer that fits.

Fill it part way with pebbles and then arrange the bulbs on top of the pebbles.  You may need to add a few more pebbles to add extra support to the bulbs.  Then add water so that it comes up to the base of the bulbs.  The flowers should appear in 3 to 6 weeks.

Are your trees sharing their leaves with you?  I bet your yard is covered.  Piles of leaves can become we blankets after rains.  You don't want them to smother your grass or land on your potted plants and smother them.  Rake them from your lawn regularly and pick them off the pots.  Gather them and bag them.  They will make great compost next spring and they will add nutrients to your potted soil.

Read more.....  "The secret to bulbs"

Post Last Updated: 9/28/2023 1:45:37 PM 

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